C Programming Course in Nagercoil

C Programming Course in Nagercoil

Why students have to learn c programming ?

  • To understand how computers work. C is a low-level language, which means that it is closer to the hardware than higher-level languages. This makes it a good language for learning about how computers work.
  • To develop problem-solving skills. C is a challenging language, and it can be very rewarding to learn how to write C programs. This can help students develop problem-solving skills that will be useful in other areas of their lives.
  • To prepare for a career in computer science. C is a widely used language in the computer science field. Learning C can give students a competitive edge when applying for jobs in this field.

Why you should learn from Shiro Software Training institue?

  • Curriculum: The curriculum should be comprehensive and cover all the essential concepts of C programming. It should also be up-to-date and reflect the latest changes in the language.
  • Instructors: The instructors should be experienced and knowledgeable in C programming. They should be able to explain the concepts clearly and answer questions effectively.
  • Resources: The organization should provide access to a variety of resources, such as textbooks, online tutorials, and coding exercises. This will help students learn at their own pace and get the support they need.
  • Support: The organization should provide support to students throughout the learning process. This may include access to online forums, email support, or one-on-one tutoring.
  • Certification: The organization should offer a certification program that students can complete upon successful completion of the course. This will demonstrate their skills and knowledge to potential employers.

C programming course fee in nagercoil?

Our C programming course fee is ranges start from 5000 to 10000 according to your requirement.For more detail you may fill the enquiry form or call us +91 9442153980 or training@shirosoft.com

C programming syllabus


  • Introduction to programming paradigms
  • Applications of C Language
  • Structure of C program
  • C programming: Data Types - Constants – Enumeration Constants - Keywords – Operators
  • Precedence and Associativity
  • Expressions
  • Working with regular Expression
  • Input/Output statements, Assignment statements
  • Decision making statements -
  • Switch statement
  • Looping statements
  • Preprocessor directives
  • Compilation process


  • Introduction to Arrays: Declaration, Initialization,One dimensional array,Two dimensional arrays
  • String operations: length, compare, concatenate, copy
  • Selection sort
  • linear and binary search


  • Modular programming
  • Function prototype-function definition, function call, Built-in functions (string functions, math functions)
  • Recursion
  • Binary Search using recursive functions
  • Pointers – Pointer operators – Pointer arithmetic – Arrays and pointers – Array of pointers
  • Parameter passing: Pass by value, Pass by reference.


  • Structure
  • Nested structures
  • Pointer and Structures
  • Array of structures
  • Self referential structures
  • Dynamic memory allocation
  • Singly linked list
  • typedef
  • Union
  • Storage classes and Visibility


  • Types of file processing: Sequential access, Random access
  • Sequential access file
  • Random access file
  • Command line arguments

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